Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Does this thing have spell check?

First time to "blog". Jessie came and cleaned up after spellcheck did not know what to do with my spelling.

So life is fast. I have to stop to get my bearings but life keeps on going. Jessie and I are learning. I will leave it at that for now.

Here are some photos from Bangladesh. Email me at okiebob777@gmail.com if you have any questions. Yes I know it is new and you do not have it. That is why I am giving it to you now. Enjoy the photos.
FROM TOP LEFT TO BOTTOM: Robert getting arrested for speaking too much bengali and philosophising with the law enforcment personnel.

Beautiful women in the villages.

Tiparo tribe women in their regional clothing.

A rich begger who pays the police for his spot at a busy intersection(note the "alms" all around him).

Our dear friend teaching Sunday school on a Thursday in a closed country.
One of my Tipero buddies at the entrance to a cave in the middle of a dry desert region.