Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Visit to the Goat Farm

Some people at the Farmer's Market sell goat cheese---very delicious, and equally expensive, I might add. But they had a "farm day"; and since I have been begging Robert to buy me a goat, he figured maybe playing with some would do it. So we picked up some friends and drove out. It was lots of fun.

top picture: the mother goats seemed oddly interested in my baby belly. maybe they could tell somebody was in there? of course, they liked the bright colors i was wearing, too.

middle: the little kids climbed all over me. there is not much that can be more fun than a baby goat

bottom: robert and a goat in a contemplative moment

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Due to some technical difficulties (i.e., computers forgetting how to get online), we have not been able to post for awhile....we apologize for any inconvenience! Here is Jess and Kid, at 33 and 1/2 weeks, in the front yard, getting ready for church. Despite my (Jess's) facial expression, I really am feeling good, as long as I get enough sleep and enough to eat. Thanks to Jodi for lending this dress!