5:30 a.m. May 20th . . . And I will never be the same.
Maravia Jahleel Rose Satterfield (you can call her Maravia)
was born Saturday,May 20, 2006
@5:30 A.M.
weighed 8 lb. 20z.
21 inches long
She was born at home attended by Robert, Jessica's mom, sister, sister-in-law and a Doctor and Midwife. The support team was amazing; the mother and child even more so! The Labor lasted 12 hrs. and Mother (and Father) and baby girl are doing well. Moravia was born with a head full of My(Robert) hair, cheeks that lay over on her chest, huge hands and Hobbit feet.
As you can see she has above average inteligence and and is giving talks about her experiences and journey so far. If you are not getting the same vib from the photo that I am, you can at least tell she is beautiful. Each of her names has a special meaning which we will explain in a Future posting.