Friday, November 09, 2007

Zafaran just born

Moravia and Uncle "I"

sidewalk chalk and swapping hats

Welcome Zafaran

On October 9 we welcomed a new little girl! She weighed 8 lbs 10 ozs, a chubby girl with big hands, big feet, and a shriek to awaken any dead within hearing distance. She was born at home after three weeks of pre-labor and 5 hours of real labor, all were well and healthy, and mom was slightly annoyed at being told to stay in bed afterwards. Zafaran (pronounced "Saf'-fron") was caught by Robert, and attended by several aunts, a grandmother, Moravia, and a few midwives.

Her full name is Zafaran Diyar Sky Satterfield. Zafaran is the arabic spelling of Saffron, which is a very expensive spice derived from the crocus flower. Diyar means "land" in turkish, and is the capital of Kurdistan. Saffron is a yellow- orange color, so a saffron sky is generally only seen before a really big storm. We liked the idea that no one can really do anything about a storm except trust God and realize that, ultimately, God is in control.

Moravia is delighted with her sister, and seems to feel she now has the greatest dolly ever. She is very quick to help mom and dad and share all her favorite toys. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Internet in house NOW WE CAN JOURNAL pics from fall 06

This is me Bob. I never have been much of a writer. I think it is because I am embarrassed that I might mispell something. BUT NOW WE HAVE THE INTERNET. So I have more opportunities to mispell things.

So far this blog has been about Moravia because that is what new parents talk about . I am planning on branching out into Geopolitical tirades once in awhile, but for now I am going to catch you up on our Moe pics.

I take the photos so you don't get to see my handsome face much. That is probably for the best. This is Jessie and Moe and cousin Priska on the trampoline in fall '06.

Last December we had a big snowstorm and everybody was snowed in for days. It was Moravia's first snow, all 12 inches of it.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dr. Moe

not that we believe in such things, but moravia and i went to our "mamas group" on monday dressed as surgeons. i was especially proud of the pacifier/surgical mask, born out of a midnight awakening when she blended with a medical dream....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

No pictures

I do not have the wherewithal to put pictures up at this time, which is too bad because Moravia is getting cuter every day. Sorry the apple pie did not show up, the network apparently was having a bad day.

We are plugging along, Moravia 5 months now and sitting up, a month ahead of schedule, "they" say.....whatever. Also working very tearfully on getting some teeth, and NOT sleeping through the night. Right now, if we get three hours at a time Momma is thrilled.

But in between times she is incredibly happy, loves to watch the kitty, loves to help Mama in the kitchen, loves to ride in the car, loves her daddy, loves to "sing" (shriek) in church and to the radio, loves any toy that makes music---and sings along, and loves the bathtub and the rubber ducky best of all. Yesterday she helped while Momma cleaned the bathroom----by spreading the Q-tips out on the floor and chewing on every single one of them......

Today Momma was giving people flu shots at her old work, so Moravia and Daddy are out on the town, stopping in at break time for Moravia's lunch. It works out really well that Momma can work a little, while Daddy and his little girl hang out. She really lights up our life.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I made a pie

Moravia and I had a baking day and we made the most beautiful apple pie I ever made. Robert ate some before this picture was taken.....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September and a baby

Hello friends. I am outside of a coffee shop that is closed. I am sitting in my vw bus with the camping table up writing to you on a laptop computer. Even though the shop is closed they still have an internet signal.

So here is my baby girl Moravia and my wife Jessie. We now have a nick name for Moravia. We still call her by her name most of the time but some times "MoMo". Jessie likes it and it is cute to hear her call Moravia that.

OK that was short lived. My battery is low and the photos take a long time to load.

Peace , Love and God bless


Friday, August 25, 2006

and still more....

Mother and child....
Robert with his 1972 bus and 2006 baby
the "egg baby" in the historical cradle that Jess's dad made before Jess was born
"Do I look like my Daddy, or what?" (2 mos old)

I know folks, it can be overwhelming to see so many pictures of a beautiful baby all at once. But we have been depriving you so far, so inundation seemed the best thing to do.

Moravia (the correct spelling, by the way; when you've been a father for less than 24 hours, your spelling may suffer, too) is now 3 months old. It is hard to believe she has been in our family that long, and on the other hand it feels like she has been a part of our lives forever. We continue to be amazed at what a gift she is to us, continue to fall even more deeply in love, with her and with each other.

She is a pretty relaxed baby, sleeps twelve hours at night with only one or two feedings between, and graces us with happy smiles and squeals, lots of arm flapping and gumming of toys. I (Jess) love staying home with her, and Robert is the best dad I have ever seen. He spends every minute he can with his little girl, even waking her up to play with her when he gets home late. She puts up with this surprisingly well, amusing us with her dubious looks and sleepy smiles. Babies are wonderful things----everyone should get one!

More pictures

In no particular order, we have.....
Moravia, fresh from her bath, around 3 weeks old. Moravia and cousin Priska in the hammock----Moravia is six weeks old here, Priska about9 months.
Moravia's favorite place to sleep----Daddy's chest. I think Daddy likes it, too. She was maybe two days old here.

Honeymoon "cottage" one year later....

On our anniversary, we took our two week old baby on a little ride to see some places that were special to Mom and Dad. We stayed at this bed and breakfast for a few days of our honeymoon.


Here is Moravia as a newborn....due to many technical difficulties, we were not able to put any pics up until now. We hope to make up for it.